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Periodontal Disease Symptoms

 Periodontal Disease Symptoms 

 Simply put, prevention is the best periodontal disease treatment. To catch dental problems Before They Become severe, it's good to get into the habit of checking your mouth daily as part of your overall dental health care routine. Look for changes in the color, or appearance of your teeth, gums, tongue, and gingival tissues.Many People with mild gum disease do not show any symptoms, but if you notice anything different acerca your mouth or teeth, be sure to tell your dentist. 
Possible signs of periodontal disease include tooth sensitivity, pain When you chew, red or bleeding gums, and bad breath. If you do have periodontal disease, the treatment will vary Depending on the severity of the infection. Severe periodontal disease treatment to deep cleaning May Involve procedure called scaling and root planing, in Which the dentist or dental hygienist Both Removes tartar from above and below the gum line and smooths rough spots on tooth roots where plaque-causing bacteria outstretch to gather. 
The exact cause of canker sores Remains uncertain, but possible factors include an allergic reaction to bacteria in the mouth, a minor injury to the inside of the mouth due to dental work or poorly fitting dental appliances, food allergies or health problems,: such as celiac inflammatory bowel disease and diseases.Although Most canker sores resolve on Their Own, if you have a large or stubborn injury May your dentist prescribes an antibiotic mouth rinse, topical paste to apply to the injury, or a nutritional supplement if poor nutrition May be the cause of the canker sore. 
Be sure to follow your dental hygienist's or dentist's instructions for Regular oral care at home in order to Get the most benefit out of your periodontal disease treatment. That means twice-daily tooth brushing and daily flossing, plus visits to the dentist regularly for follow-up and professional cleaning.
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